Monday, June 14, 2010

Corporate America... ewwwww!

So, I need multiple forms of income. Right now I am a Consultant for Clinique, which is fine and dandy, however, I don't have enough hours since they already have four fulltimers. Sooooo, the hunt for more work continues. Here are some facts about me.

1. I am a college grad with an english degree.
2. I'm a writer, dancer, actor, model, makeup artist, and photographer.

So, my resume is based on all of these things, which is sooooo not Corporate America friendly. Then again, I myself am not Corporate America friendly. The idea of sitting behind a desk for 9 hours kissing peoples asses is not my idea of a happy job. I don't believe in having a job you hate just to make money. This is startling to some people. I've got people trying to find me "traditional jobs" like crazy but that just isn't me. Yes I could have stable work, nice check, benefits and everything, but if I don't have that creativity that i've grown up with... well lets just say it won't be pretty. I've got to live my life and do me!

I'm in the process of getting things going so watch out world!

I want to enjoy what I do, so I can enjoy my life!

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