Monday, March 29, 2010

Feelings In The Rain

It's raining today. Not to cold not to hot and it matches my mood perfectly. The past two days have been draining. Truthfully, the past three months have been, with moments of calm spread throughout. It's the lack of peace that is bothering me.

I don't want to get into what the cause of my drama is, because that is getting to personal for me. Sorry, but I can say it is important sisters and brothers that you have people around you who you KNOW will always have your back. Don't bother with people you don't feel are 100%.

I am a huge believer in treating others how you would want to be treated. However, it seems that that and common sense are no longer common. This breeding of selfishness and lack of loyalty is so sad to me.

Surround yourselves with loyal people. People who don't just talk but DO. People that you know if you need something, they will do what they can in anyway they can. It used to be like that, but some how.... I don't know. There was a break. I'm tired of foolish people and I no longer have the patience for them.

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